Stainless Steel Polishing Surface Processing

Polishing surface processing
No.3: expressed by 3A and 3B. 3A: the surface is evenly grind and the abrasive particle size is 80~100. 3B: Wool surface polishing, the surface has uniform straight lines, usually with the size of 180 ~ 200 abrasive belt in 2A or 2B board once polished.

No.4: Unidirectional surface processing, reflectivity is not strong, this surface processing may be the most widely used in building applications. The process is first polished with coarse abrasives, and then grinded with a particle size of 180.

No.6: A further improvement on No.4 is the polishing of No.4 surface with a Tampico polishing brush in abrasive and oil medium. There is no surface processing in British standard 1449, but it can be found in the US standard.

No.7: known as bright polishing, it is polishing the surface that has been finely worn but still worn. 2A or 2B boards are usually used, with fiber or cloth polishing wheels and corresponding polishing paste.

No.8: A mirror polished surface with a high reflectivity is often referred to as a mirror surface finish because it reflects a clear image. The stainless steel is continuously polished with fine abrasives and then polished with very fine polishing paste. It should be noted in architectural applications that such surfaces leave fingerprints when used in places where there is a large flow of people or where people often touch them. The handprints can be erased, but sometimes they are beautiful.